Monday, 7 January 2013

"...Altrimenti si arrabbiano!"

REALLY quick piece today, no time to do more. A bit of pure fun, no frills 100% Italian cult stuff.

Inspired by a series of Dvd reissues coming out these days here in Italy..

Wont even bother explaining what is this about, either youre Italian and you just KNOW who these guys are, or youre not and you and you have no clue.

A dream project of mine, these two guys kicking the ass of Lovecraftian deities, one punch on the head at a time...

Again, blue lead, Pentel brushpen and 10 mins of Photoshop.



Deep Space Transmissions said...

This is brilliant, great work Luca! Came here via the OHTMU Redux site and wow! What a treasure trove of riches.

Keep it up!

timpu. said...

Great job, mate.
I'm not italian but I know who these guys are all the same.
I wish I could get my hands on those dvd re-realeases. I only have one of the Trinity dvds.