Doing these 2 was particularly brilliant, since I could feel how years of unconditional love for anything B and '70s were finally paying off.
First one is inspired by Italian Giallos, with even the title being a personal injoke about how after the first seven movies by Dario Argento the genre imploded already, followed by a last wave of minor but definitely enjoyable (in youre into that kind of shit) sleazy nudie flicks.
The second is more Cormanesque in its mood, the main idea being a prostitute abused and left for dead by a gang of ex-con in the Lousiana bayou who gets her revenge by meat cleaver and... alligators!
Then here's a small teaser for a BIG project coming soon from the Irish O'Brien Press. Cant say much at the moment BUT a full reveal will take place in a panel at the next DICE Convention in Dublin, on Sept. the 28th. also, prints from which this teaser illo is taken will be available for sale, I believe.
At the same convention Darrin O'Toole -the writer of the GLIMMER MAN book I just drew- and I will also be selling prints of the characters. 2 designs available; the one from the cover of issue 1 (which, BTW, proved SO popular):
And one with a completely original design (with one of the pages from issue 1 as a sort of abstract-looking/pop-artesque background):
That is truly all, I believe, coming back soon with actual pages to show for another pet project of mine..
fingers crossed, except right thumb and index. Need those to draw ;)
Over and out,