Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Final OHOTMU entry: Scourge!

And heres my final entry for the OHOTMU Redux project. The names Scourge, not really familiar with the guy at all. Only thing I seem to remember, he appeared as a mystery villain towards the end of the original Busiek/Bagley Thunderbolts run quite some time ago, with different costume and powers.

Since I didnt know the character well (I admit I picked him simply for the pulpy "Shadow" feel hes got) there was nothing too smart or creative I could do with the look, so I decided to use it more as a Photoshop exercise/practice than a proper drawing one.

Thats it, basically. Played around with layers and stuff and I have to say, Im quite happier with the overall result than with the drawing itself, I have to say.

Heres the scanned original, just to give you an idea of how much was on the pae and how much was done digitally (not too much, as usual):

THANX again to the wonderful Jon Morris for having me for this project. It was FUN!


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